Halo™ Hybrid Fractional Resurfacing Laser

woman with pale skin and freckles

Halo Hybrid Fractional Resurfacing Laser treatments, offered by Dr. Sarah Mess in Columbia and Baltimore Maryland, can restore your youthful glow without the downtime of other laser treatments. You can erase years of sun damage in a single treatment with Sciton’s hybrid fractional Halo.

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woman with pale skin and freckles

Benefits of Halo Laser Treatments

Improve Skin Tone
Halo’s fractional laser improves skin tone by treating surface imperfections and conditioning the dermis to generate healthier skin for months to come.

Reduce Pore Size
It’s hard to reduce the appearance of pores. Halo is one of the few treatments that can noticeably reduce the appearance of pores.

Erase Wrinkles
Don’t be afraid to look young! Halo can erase fine lines and wrinkles and leave you looking years younger in just a few days.

Results Without The Wait
Halo laser treatment provides the best results with the least amount of downtime of any laser. Looking for results with minimal downtime? Halo laser treatments provide the best of both. Halo laser treatments provide the best of both. In fact, participants in a Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Hybrid Fractional Laser: A Multi-Center Trial on the Safety and Efficacy for Photorejuvenation Waibel S, Pozner J, Robb C, Tanzi E Go to Source recent multi-center trial reported a 100% satisfaction rate, with 80% of participants showing significant skin improvement in photographic analysis.

halo laser device

Restore Your Glow and Erase Years of Sun Damage

Halo is the world’s first hybrid fractional laser delivering simultaneous ablative and non-ablative wavelengths in a single pass. This allows for aggressive treatments with minimal downtime. Older laser technologies like CO2 or Fraxel require days of downtime…….and by downtime I mean cooped up indoors with a thick layer of Aquaphor on your face for a week or more. Most people simply are not willing to put up with that kind of downtime. Halo patients can get ablative laser results with non-ablative downtime. Trusetd Source Checkbox Trusted Source Sciton Halo Go to Source No Aquaphor required !

Great Results. Minimal Downtime

Halo Combines Dermal Rejuvenation and Epidermal Renewal

Halo creates a grid of tiny pathways in the skin but leaves the surrounding tissue untouched for fast dermal rejuvenation. Fractional thermal injury points are laid down at the same time triggering collagen and elastin production – the stuff that makes you look and feel younger.

Botox® Cosmetic and Fillers Work Great…But They Won’t Fix Your Skin

BOTOX® Cosmetic and fillers work wonders on wrinkles… but they don’t do much for dark spots, large pores and dull skin. That’s where Halo excels. Don’t let these common conditions keep you from looking your best. Combine Halo with other aesthetic treatments to give you the look you’ve always wanted.

How Long Does Halo Laser Treatment Take?

The treatment itself takes between 30 and 45 minutes but patients need to numb before the treatment, so plan on spending 1 ½ to 2 hours in the office. Halo treatments can be adjusted to be lighter or more aggressive, so discuss your goals with one of our laser specialists.

How Much Does Halo Cost?

Treatments are $1,750 for one and $2,750 for two treatments.

Quote Marks

Everyone needs to get the Halo treatments and the BBL (laser). It improved my skins texture and tone. I love Dr. Mess and all of her staff...

Neil - Google

Before & After Photos

before and after halo before and after halo

before and after halo before and after halo

What To Expect After Halo Laser

Halo recovery times will vary depending on how aggressive a treatment you choose, but the following general timeline gives you an idea of what to expect after your Halo treatment.

Immediately After
Immediately after your treatment you face will feel hot like you have a sunburn. We will provide ice packs and you can take ibuprophen or Tylenol to help with any discomfort, but after a couple of hours the sunburn feeling will fade.

1 Day After Halo
The first day after Halo treatment you may have some swelling and your face may be tender. The swelling and tenderness should resolve over the next 24-48 hours.

2-3 Days After Halo
On the second or third day after halo you will begin to see tiny dark spots and a bronzed complexion. During this part of the healing pattern your face will feel rough and have a light sandpaper texture. It may also itch as your skin continues to recover. (Don’t scratch!)

1 Week After Halo
The bronzing and the roughness will flake away, leaving your skin with a rosy glow.

6 Weeks After Halo
You’ll be asking when you can schedule your next treatment!

Schedule Your Consultation

To schedule a consultation with our board certified plastic surgeon, please contact us or call (410) 559-9406 today.

Trused Source Icon - Checkbox Sources

1 Waibel S, Pozner J, Robb C, Tanzi E. Hybrid Fractional Laser: A Multi-Center Trial on the Safety and Efficacy for Photorejuvenation. J Drugs Dermatol. 2018;17(11):1164-1168. Available: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30481954/. Accessed September 8, 2020.

2 Sciton. https://sciton.com/halo/. Accessed December 13, 2023.

Dr. Sarah Mess has either authored or reviewed and approved this content. Page Updated

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Rejuvenate Your Face and Body

Many patients come to see Dr. Sarah Mess from the Baltimore, and Washington DC areas because of her ability to provide their face and body with a revitalized look that appears naturally youthful. For all of your cosmetic needs, please call (410) 559-9468 or use the form below to request a consultation.

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