Transforming Your Journey: Post Medical Weight Loss Treatments
As a dedicated plastic surgeon serving the vibrant communities of Columbia, Maryland, and the DMV area, Dr. Sarah Mess understands firsthand the incredible transformations brought about by medical weight loss. However, one challenge many face after significant weight loss is skin laxity. Our practice is committed to guiding patients through the array of treatment options…
5 Ways to Start Looking Younger Now
If signs of aging are concerning at 35, things aren’t going to magically look better at 45. You’ll have to be proactive. Dr. Sarah Mess has cosmetic solutions that defy time and gravity, so don’t be afraid to look young! There are more, but here are 5 solutions to consider. Skin Care There are a dizzying…
Introducing Volbella!
Now offering JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC! What is JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC? VOLBELLA® is the newest filler on the market in the United States for lip augmentation! This filler is designed to contour lips and smooth vertical creases around the lips, often referred to as bar codes or smoker’s lines. Allergan provided Volbella to select accounts prior…